Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Little Mermaid Dancer

Kaylee is back in dance class and is again loving it! This week for class they got to wear their Halloween costumes. Kaylee wanted to be the Little Mermaid for Halloween and has been waiting for a month to wear her costume. She makes a beautiful dancing mermaid!

I know this picture is a bit blurry but I love the look of just pure joy on Kaylee's face. She is definitely a little performer!

Here is Kaylee with her teacher Miss Holly and her dance friends.

After class Kaylee was exhausted! She was so excited all day to get in her costume, go to her class, and hand out her Halloween treat bags to her friends that she slept all the way home!

Some video of just how cute of dancer Kaylee is!

This is Kaylee's favorite part of dance class! At the end of each class they turn off the lights, turn on the disco ball, and let loose!!!


Anonymous said...

Kaylee's dance class looks like a blast!! Last year I took a salsa/swing/ballroom class during my lunch hour and we always ended with the disco dance "the hustle" too. But with the lights on. I can see how letting loose is her fave part! What a bunch of cute dancing princesses. = )