Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fall 2010

Our little angel Khloe Jacquelyn Kemp was blessed on November 7, 2010. She looked so beautiful in her blessing dress. She is the most amazing little baby- calm, easy going, a good sleeper- absolutely wonderful in every way! I don't know how we lucked out but we did:-)

I lucked out with Khloe's blessing pictures as I direct Silver Mesa's choir with a cute lady named Cindi Meier. Not only is she amazingly talented in music, but is also a fantastic photographer! I was thrilled when she offered to do Khloe's baby pictures. They turned out beautiful. Thanks Cindi!!!

I think this is the first official family picture we have had taken since Khloe was born. The new Kemp Family!

Four generation shot!

We were so glad to have Dan's brother David, his wife Kelli, and his boys Tyson and Zach there to share in our special day.

Proud Nana and Papa for the third time!

I always feel so blessed to have such a close bond with my Grandparents. I am always so excited to have them there to share so many of my life's important moments.

The whole crew in attendance! I love my family and am always so grateful that they are so supportive and always there for me.

The three most beautiful girls in the world! Not to mention the two most excited and loving big sisters in the world!

This year we wanted to find a fun pumpkin patch to go to. We found one nearby called Hee Haw Farms! So, a few weeks before Halloween we took a trip to the pumpkin patch with David and Kelli and their boys. It was a ton of fun!

Khloe's first trip to the pumpkin patch! Doesn't she look happy to be here?

They had these cute horse tire swings that Makenna and Kaylee beelined for as soon as we got there!

Future farmer?

They also had this pit full of popcorn kernels. Like a ball pit with popcorn? The girls thought it was the coolest thing to sink into.

Kaylee and Makenna with cousin Tyson. They are all growing so big!

We took a little walk through the corn maze. It wasn't huge but we managed to get lost a few times!

Daddy and Kenna

Cute cousins by a big red tractor!

They had these hay bales there that were stacked up that kids were jumping off of. Kaylee of course wanted to get right in on the action. She was quite the little jumper and had no fear. The jump was really high! I would have been scared to jump off it but not Kaylee!

Another activity they had was a huge slide. They had rucksacks to use to slide down it. Kaylee had a blast going down this slide. After watching for a few minutes Makenna finally worked up the courage to join in. I think she liked it as long as daddy was holding on tight!

Kaylee was all about feeding the goats and letting them lick her fingers. Makenna would have none of it!

Daddy and Kaylee patrolling the farm.

This little tractor pulled train was so fun for the kids. Makenna looks really happy here but she screamed through the whole ride!

Isn't she just the cutest?

After all the activities we took a hay ride over to the pumpkin patch. Now we were expecting a field lined with pumpkins to pick out and take home. When we got off the hay ride we were in this field where the pumpkins were still growing from the vine. There were not that many pumpkins and was kind of a let down. Kaylee did manage to find one pumpkin to take home. I guess we'll get the rest at the grocery store!

Kaylee was a little disappointed when I told her she was going to be a witch for Halloween again this year. Once we started her makeup and got her costume on she got excited again. She does make a pretty awesome witch!

Kaylee and Janessa - two little witches ready for the big school Halloween parade!

Makenna got all ready for the parade too. She was feeling very cute in her skirt and boots. She is such a girly girl!

Kaylee was so excited to wear her costume to school and get to walk in the parade with her class. They were all such cute little kindergarteners in their costumes. The little girl in back of Kaylee is Blaise. Blaise and Kaylee are best buddies this year!

Kaylee cute Kindergarten class and her teacher Mrs. Bailey. I went and helped out with their Halloween party. We decorated pumpkins, decorated cookies, sang some Halloween songs, played games, and tuckered all those little kids out!

A few days later Halloween finally arrived. Makenna was so excited to get dressed up like Kaylee. These two little witches are pretty dang cute!

Makenna posing for the camera. She LOVES getting her picture taken!

Kaylee showing off her makeup.

Khloe's first Halloween. She is a cute little pumpkin ballerina princess!!!

We were so late in carving our pumpkins this year! Kaylee was very upset because Halloween came and we still had not carved any pumpkins. Luckily Nana and Papa saved the day and Kaylee got to carve her pumpkin before she went out trick-or-treating.

Khloe is one and a half months old! She is such a good little baby. She sleeps through the night, hardly ever cries, eats her bottle well, sucks on a binkie, and loves her swing. We are in heaven with her little calm and mellow personality!

Khloe is definitely loved by her sisters. They are always wanting to hold her and give her kisses. I feel so blessed to have three beautiful little girls!

The kids went trick-or-treating around my parents neighborhood. It was pouring rain for most of the night so when there was a break in the clouds they ran out for about a half hour. Even though the weather was not the best they had a blast!

After trick-or-treating we had a party with my family, my grandparents, and my aunt Tami and her family. Here is all the cousins watching a scary movie. Happy Halloween!

These are just a couple of cute picks I caught of the girls chillin' on the couch. I came in from doing dishes and Kaylee and Kenna had scooted over with Khloe and were cuddling watching a show. They were so cute I had to grab my camera. They love their little sister so much and she loves them. She beams every time her sisters talk to her as you can see in the second pic!

In November my sister Nicole's high school did the musical 'Cinderella'. The little girls were so excited to go see the show and especially to see Cinderella. The play was really cute and the girls thought it was wonderful. Afterwards we got to go to a little tea party with all the characters. The girls got their pictures taken with them and had them sign an autograph book for a keepsake. They got little tiaras and magic want pens. They had a blast and were in awe to meet all the characters. Their favorite of course was the princess Cinderella. Kaylee just kept saying "Her dress is so beautiful mom. I want one just like that!"


The Prince

The Step Sisters and Step Mother (they were so funny!)

The Fairy God Mother

Kaylee is absolutely loving Kindergarten and was so excited for her first school program. The Kindergarteners put on their own circus with fun songs and tricks! Kaylee was proud to be a tumbler for the circus this year. She not only can cartwheel, but is a pro hula-hooper! I personally thought she made the cutest circus tumbler ever!

Mrs. Bailey is the best! Kaylee is so lucky to have her as a teacher this year. She truly loves her students with all of her heart. Kaylee loves going to school every day (in fact she NEVER wants to miss!).

Way to go Kaylee!!! We are so proud of you!

Kaylee is 6!!! Can you believe it? Kaylee loves to be a big sister, go to dance class, golf with her dad, go to Kindergarten, and have lots of play dates with her friends. She still loves the color pink, loves to do her hair, make-up, and nails, loves to wear dresses, and play dress up with little sis Makenna. She looks up to her aunt Janessa and wants nothing more than to be just like her! She is loving and kind to everyone, she is one of the most well like girls in her class (she gets many play date requests daily!!!), and is miss social butterfly at church and at school. She loves doing her homework, reading her books, and writing nice notes to her family and friends. Her favorite restaurant is Noodles and Company, her favorite snack is uncrustables, and her favorite time of the day is movie and treat in bed with little sis before bedtime! We love our Kaylee Koos and were so excited to celebrate the 6 years we have been blessed to have her in our life.

I had to throw in a pic of Makenna not only because she is so darn cute but also because you can see she wants to be just like her big sis Kaylee at all times. I truly believe she thinks she is 6 as well!

We did a small family party for Kaylee's birthday at my parents house. Her big party was a few days later with all her school friends. We had fun eating at noodles and company, opening presents, and of course enjoying some yummy cake!

This year was Kaylee's first friend birthday party. She was so excited she could hardly stand the wait. We had the countdown going for weeks in advance! We decided to do an all girl theme. Her invitations were purses, her decorations were purses, and each of the girls got to take home a little purse full of goodies. (Can you tell Kaylee's mom is a little obsessed with purses?!) At the party we did makeup, nails, and had our awesome friend Aunt Lexi come and do hair. It was definitely a hit- especially the pink and purple hair color! The girls were so cute and had an absolute blast together!

We invited all the little girls in Kaylee's class to come and they all came! Kaylee also invited her cousin Emily to come join in the fun. Kaylee has been so lucky this year to have such cute girls in her Kindergarten class. They love each other so much! It is so cute when we drop them off for school each day. They all stand and wait for the next little girl to arrive and when she does they all scream her name and run to give her a big group hug. How cute is that? Every day the same routine and it never gets old for them. You would think they hadn't seen each other for a year as opposed to just the day before! They make a cute little group!

BACK ROW (left to right): Bentley, Morgan, Blaise, Kaylee, Teya, Sienna, Cami
FRONT ROW (left to right): Tyson, Makenna, Jenessee, Emily, Emma