Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter 2010

Kaylee had her Christmas dance recital at the beginning of December. She is such an awesome little dancer and always can't wait to get on stage to perform for everyone. She loves going to dance each week with her cousins Ian and Emily and was excited to have her aunt Janessa in the show too. Way to go dancers!!!

Kaylee had a gingerbread house making day at school and was so excited to bring her house home to show everyone. She was so proud of her design. Well, she made it home to Nana's house to show everyone there but on the way out to the car to go home she tripped and her little house fell and broke on the ground:-( She was SO upset. I felt awful. So, a couple of days later I got some gingerbread house supplies and Kaylee and Dan sat down to create the best gingerbread house ever! Kaylee was so proud of her little house and we had to keep it out as a decoration all month long!

Kaylee has been asking ever since winter arrived when we are going to go out and make a snowman. We have never really gone out and built a snowman before so Dan told her that the next time it snowed he would help her build a snowman. Little did we know that the next time it snowed it would be a HUGE storm with TONS of snow. So obviously with the BIG snow we needed to make a BIG snowman!

Our neighbor Cara come over early that morning as we were headed out to shovel to see if we were going to build a snowman. (Kaylee had been telling everyone she wanted to build a snowman the next time it snowed!) Her husband Nate had just got off a graveyard shift as a police officer and had gone in to change into his snow clothes. After shoveling the walks we all met up in the circle in back of our house. Dan and Nate started to roll this huge snowball. The second section up was so big they had to have some other guys come help them roll it up a ladder to lift it on top of the first! The top one was so high that they had a couple ladders placed to roll it up to the top. When all was done the snowman was like 15 feet tall!!! It looked HUGE!!!! Dan and Nate were so excited and proud of their snowman- I think even more so than Kaylee!!! Kids in grown up bodies:-) They got a cone for a hat some bowls for eyes and even the spray paint to paint on a scarf and other accessories. It was so funny. Kaylee was so pumped at how cool her snowman turned out. Her first snowman experience was definitely impressive. Good luck beating that in the future daddy!

Sadly our snowman only survived about a day. Kaylee was so cute as she would just stand at the window to make sure nothing was happening to her snowman. A bunch of people came over to look at it and some little kids started throwing snowballs at it. Kaylee had a fit and was yelling at these boys through the window to stop throwing things at her snowman. She was so concerned they would hurt it! She even cried a few times thinking they would knock it over. The one problem with such a big snowman was how heavy the top two snowballs were. As the day went on and the sun came out the snowman started to tilt backwards. By the next morning it had tipped too far and the head had fallen off! At this point we were a little nervous that the middle section would fall off to and we didn't want it to fall off as some poor child was standing in back of it! So Dan and Kaylee went out and demolished the rest of it. This seemed to ease some of Kaylee's pain a little bit!


capturingtheride said...

Wow! Way to go with blog catch up, Kristin!

I loved seeing all the fun you had the past few months. ;)

I especially love that HUGE snowman (and your cute girls, of course!) How awesome! So fun to visit with you in florida - hope to be seeing you this year in Utah when we visit in May!